International Development Partners

The Institute is collaborating with International Development Partners like World Bank; British Council, UNIDO, UNESCO and UNICEF.
World Bank/British Council
  1. Twelve professional staff of the Institute were sponsored to South Africa and Lesotho in 2006 for capacity building through World Bank credit.
  2. Four (4) international consultants were engaged by British Council for the Institute in 2004 – 2007 (1 from Britain for 2 1/2 years, 1 from France for 2 months and 1 from South Africa for 3 months). They all lived in the Consultants Quarters of the Institute during their visits. They were engaged to build the capacity of the Academic Professional Staff of the Institute.
UNESCO/IIEP staff came to the Institute on regular basis to build the capacity of the staff on planning/management techniques. The last visit was to build the capacity of the staff on EPSSIM Model so that we can also assist to build the capacity of states.
The Institute is in working collaboration with UNICEF
  • We have worked with UNICEF to develop Education Sector Strategic (SESP) and Education Sector Operational Plans (SESOP) in 33 States of the Federation.
  • We have worked with UNICEF to develop 8 modules for building the capacity of members of School Based Management Committees in schools in Nigeria.
  • We have worked with UNICEF to produce 6 training manuals for building the capacity of Head Teachers of schools in Nigeria.
  • We are working with UNICEF to build the capacity of states Ministries of Education and SUBEBs on EMIS (Education Management Information System).
UNIDO has a center in NIEPA for training of school leavers on Entrepreneurial Skills.
Commonwealth of Learning (COL)
We are in collaboration with COL. Four NIEPA staff participated in the development of 4 manuals on Leadership Skills for building the capacity of School Heads in Nigeria, Gambia, Sierra Leone and Ghana. We are currently having the manuals to train school heads in Nigeria.